X8713 X8846 X8555 Hornby Drawbar Merchant Navy BoB West Country Black 5 Q1 A4 +


4 in stock


Hornby Spare Part to fit Class 9F, Merchant Navy, West Country, Battle of Britain, Black 5 Class 5MT, Class 8F, Class Q1, Class A4 – Likely also others, please check out your service sheet to find the part number.

Includes: Drawbar with dual pickups ONLY

Please note: these parts are new old stock, approved sign samples from Hornby. They have been around a very long time but are still brand new. These have X8713 written on the bag, but they are clearly identical to the drawbar part from X8846, however they do not come with wires, springs or bolts/screws. These parts are variously known as X8846, X8713, X8674 and X8555.

Hornby Service Sheet No.235/B Class 9F

Hornby Service Sheet No.248/B Merchant Navy

Hornby Service Sheet No.249/B/D/E/F West Country + Battle of Britain

Hornby Service Sheet No.257/B/E Black 5 Class 5MT

Hornby Service Sheet No.261B/C/D Class 8F

Hornby Service Sheet No.267/C Merchant Navy DCC

Hornby Service Sheet No.268/C/E/F Class Q1

Hornby Service Sheet No.275/E Class A4

Shipping Band A